Thursday, August 28, 2008

Nuns with short hair

Monday I had an audition for Nuncrackers. For anyone who's heard of the musical Nunsense, Nuncrackers is one of the sequels. As the title's a musical about nuns. Anyway, I was cast as Sister Amnesia, and I'm really quite excited about it. It's been FAR too long since I've done a musical comedy. The only other person I know in the cast is Bradshaw - he and I did Christmas Carol together last year. The others I've never heard of, except for the woman playing Reverend Mother. I saw her as Golde in Fiddler on the Roof a few years ago, and I absolutely LOVED her onstage, so hooray for that!

Oh, I also got my hair cut on Monday. It's shorter than it's ever been before, and I got it layered, which is another first. All in all, I like the change.

I feel like I should be posting some great philosophical rambling, since I basically created this blog as an outlet to do just that. I'm vaguely aware that I had some ideas of what I wanted to write earlier today, but they all seem to have fled my brain. Maybe they'll come back tomorrow. In the meantime, since this is already written...might as well post it.

Ooo, I know, I'll end with a song lyric. That's always fun. Let's see....we'll do one from an obscure musical in homage to the obscure musical I was just cast in. This is the song I auditioned with, actually. It's from a musical called Sideshow, and it's actually written as a duet...but it's sung by the character of a two-headed lady. Sounds weird, but it's absolutely beautiful music, and a very heart-wrenching song. Not the complete song here, but my favorite lines.

Like a fish plucked from the ocean
Tossed into a foreign stream,
Always knew that I was different
Often fled into a dream
I ignored the raging currents
Right against the tide I swam
Still, I floated with the question -
Who will love me as I am?

Who will ever call to say I love you?
Send me flowers, or a telegram?
Who will proudly stand beside me?
Who will love me as I am?

Like a clown whose tears cause laughter
Trapped inside a center ring
Even seeing smiling faces,
I am lonely pondering
Who would want to join this madness?
Who would change my monogram?
Who will be part of my circus?
Who will love me as I am?

1 comment:

Nathan H. Adams said...

They were conjoined twins, not a two headed woman. Its not that important, just one creates a decidedly different mental picture than the other. Glad your blogging! Check out mine