Sunday, August 24, 2008

On the bandwagon

I'm jumping on the bandwagon of blogging after being inspired by an article in the Citizen-Times. Original, huh?

Seriously, though, the article was interesting. It's about this woman in Asheville who is trying to find a husband by soliciting the help of anyone who cares. Might not sound like a fantastic idea the way I've described it, but I was really intrigued by what she has to say. It made me think a lot about why I'm so picky about the men I date. Not that I'm apologizing for being picky; I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I'm not waiting for that "perfect someone" as in someone who is picture perfect, fairy tale perfect, or whatever other cliches are out there. I'm just holding out for someone who is perfect for me...and for someone who thinks I'm perfect for them, as well.

My only problem is that whenever I find someone I think is wonderful, he inevitably doesn't view me in the same light, or vice versa. I almost feel guilty about it at times, when I have men begging for my number and I just can't muster any interest in them. But then I remind myself that there's no shame in holding out for what I need. I'm not someone who dates just for the sake of having someone around. It's not that I'm looking to get married next week, but I do think that a relationship should have at least some long-term potential if I'm going to give it a shot. The people who have made a difference in the fabric of my life are the ones who've stayed around to make an impact.

While I'm (sort of) on the subject, I'd like to mention something that's come up in conversation at least twice in the past week: physical attractiveness in regards to relationships. Most people seem to be of two trains of thought - looks are everything, or looks are nothing. I don't think either one of these mindsets really work in the end. Looks shouldn't be EVERYTHING; there are much, MUCH more important things in building a relationship. However, if someone isn't attractive to you...that's another piece of the puzzle missing. I don't mean that someone has to be a supermodel. I mean that YOU have to find that person attractive, the whole package, not just looks or just personality. For example, I like tall, thin, fair boys, preferably with glasses. That isn't what the whole world finds attractive, it's just what's most attractive to me. Does that mean I'm completely opposed to dating a short, stocky, dark boy with 20/20 vision? No, it just means he's not my preference.

Of course, a certain tall, thin, fair, bespectacled boy I know doesn't seem to be in favor of short, voluptuous, dark women, no matter how crazy one of them might be for him. It works both ways.


Broshar said...

So, who might this "tall, thin, fair, bespectacled boy" be, I wonder? I'm thinking of all the MP Players and coming up blank. Anyway, welcome to blogging - it's a lot of fun and, I might add, therapeutic. When you need some reading material to put you to sleep, here's mine:


Mandy said...

It's no surprise you came up with nothing when going through the MP Players - he's not one of them, haha. He's a guy who used to work in the kitchen at my restaurant and now works as a potter next door, and I feel perfectly safe saying this on the internet because he doesn't do any communicating online.

Thanks for the comment!